This section of the website is an online question bank. Below are a number of booklets which contain examples of questions that you can use in evaluation questionnaires or topic guides for interviews and focus groups when you are evaluating your road safety interventions.
It is very unlikely that you will want to use all of the questions in these booklets, therefore, simply copy and paste the ones you wish use into your own evaluation questionnaire or topic guide.
Question Bank Booklets
This booklet contains some examples of the key demographic questions you might use in your evaluation. Demographic questions might be useful if you wish to assess how different groups (e.g., young drivers, high mileage drivers, cyclists, etc) responded to your intervention.
This booklet contains some key questions that you may ask those who took part in your intervention to gain an idea of whether the intervention was delivered successfully. For example, you might ask respondents to rate the delivery of the presentation they attended.
This booklet offers examples of some key questions that you may ask those who took part in your intervention to gain an idea of whether their knowledge has changed as a result of the intervention.
This booklet contains some questions that you may ask those who took part in your intervention to gain an idea of whether their attitudes have changed as a result of the intervention.
This booklet has examples of some questions that you may ask those who took part in your intervention to gain an idea of whether their behaviour has changed as a result of your intervention.
This booklet contains examples of Likert-Type Scales. A Likert Scale is a rating scale which can be used to assess people’s attitudes to, knowledge of, or behaviour related to, a topic. This booklet is appropriate if you are writing your own questions about a topic.
For more advice on writing your own questions for your evaluation project, visit our how to write questions page or view our 'Surveys and Question Writing' webcast.