
E-valu-it Logic Model

Overall Aims

  1. To increase and improve the measures of effectiveness of road safety Education, Training and Publicity projects (ETP) by 2018. These projects may be delivered by a number of bodies including (but not limited to): local authorities, emergency services, schools and companies delivering Managing Occupational Road Risk projects or those delivering driver training.
  2. To increase and improve the measures of effectiveness of LASER projects by 2018.
  3. To improve the efficient use of LASER, MORR and road safety ETP resources.

Specific Aims

  1. To increase knowledge and skills of individual users in the design and execution of evaluation plans.
  2. To increase evaluation capacity at an organisational level. The logic model shows the step-by-step process from intervention inputs through to long-term outcomes.




  • DfT funding to cover cost of RoSPA staff time, travel and accommodation
  • Additional RoSPA staff time
  • RoSPA Web Team for website development
  • Expert opinion from practitioners and academics
  • Venues & audio-visual equipment for meetings and workshops


  • 30% of those who submit Toolkit question responses complete a final evaluation report within the following 12 months
  • Number of visits to the evaluation topics, links and case studies pages
  • All enquiries replied to through E-valu-it email or telephone support
  • Training workshops run and number of people attending as and where required
Short term Outcomes Medium term Outcomes Long term Outcomes
Practitioners implement recommendations and current projects are evaluated Practitioners are more confident in designing and executing evaluation plans and reports Improved measurement of effectiveness of road safety ETP interventions
60% of those who complete a report publish it on E-valu-it The planning of future RS ETP interventions is informed by previous evaluation and research findings Demonstrably efficient use of resources to contribute to GB casualty reduction
Increased understanding of why to evaluate, and how to evaluate RS managers commit to building an evaluation plan into all future programmes Road safety ETP work is routinely evaluated. The absence of evaluation is always challenged by funders, managers, and practitioners


  • Practitioners understand the need to evaluate
  • Users believe the website to be a credible and authoritative source of information and guidance. Users trust the recommendations
  • Practitioners and managers learn from their peers and enhance their understanding of evaluation issues, and of the benefits of evaluation
  • RS professionals consider the setting of project aims and objectives and of the measurable difference they intend their projects to achieve
  • Practitioners understand the recommendations and feel able to apply them in practice. Practitioners are happy to share evaluation reports

External Factors

  • Spending Review
  • Cuts in resources and staff
  • Loss of Partnerships
  • Emphasis on efficiency savings