The difficulty of evaluating Education, Training and Publicity (ETP) interventions was frequently raised in 'Road Safety Health Checks' carried out by DfT with a number of Local Authorities across the country in 2009.
The need to increase and improve the evaluation of road safety ETP initiatives has since then gained even more focus, given that in the current climate declining resources means it is increasingly important to understand where those resources can be used most effectively,
and to be able to measure which activities deliver best value in terms of getting the right road safety message across to the right people.
Therefore, the DfT, RoSPA and Local Authority representatives came together to devise a solution to make evaluation easier to carry out for local delivery partners of road safety campaigns.
Initially, two seminars were held in Leeds and London in September 2009 to gain an understanding of what practitioners want, and to understand the barriers to carrying out effective evaluation.
Following the seminars a small working group was formed to design and produce this website, which is intended to provide advice and information about evaluation, and the E-valu-it toolkit, which is designed to provide tailored recommendations on how to evaluate specific ETP interventions.
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E-valu-it's Logic Model
Overall Aims
The Overall Aims of E-valu-it are:
- To increase and improve the measures of effectiveness of road safety Education, Training and Publicity projects (ETP) by 2018. These projects may be delivered by a number of bodies including (but not limited to): local authorities, companies delivering Managing Occupational Road Risk projects or those delivering driver training, emergency services or schools.
- To increase and improve the measures of effectiveness of LASER projects by 2018.
- To improve the efficient use of LASER, MORR and road safety ETP resources.
Read more Details of E-valu-it's Aims and Objectives here.
The E-valu-it Toolkit
The principle of E-valu-it is simple. Users are asked a series of questions about their intervention, the issue(s) it's meant to address, its aims and objectives and a few other details.
E-valu-it will then provide recommendations for carrying out an evaluation of the intervention, plus a template for recording the data collected during the evaluation, which then becomes the Final Evaluation Report once it is completed.
Once an Evaluation Report has been completed, users will have the option of publishing it on the website to share their experiences and findings with colleagues in the UK, and around the world.
The main target audience for 'E-valu-it' is local road safety professionals, including those from local authorities, emergency services and charities. However, anyone is free to use E-valu-it.
For example, employers may find it useful to evaluate their initiatives to improve their company's at-work road safety initiatives.
To encourage use of E-valu-it and to promote the need for more evaluation generally, ongoing support and promotion is available.
A series of regional workshops were held between September and December 2010 to promote E-valu-it, explain how to use it and to generally raise awareness of the benefits of evaluating ETP initiatives.